Flashlight Textures (5.1+)


The Flashlight Textures library by David Gruwier is a collection of 50+ high resolution projection textures designed to be used as light cookies for more realistic flashlights in games, VFX and animation. It is the most complete and realistic collection of flashlight textures available. They’re compatible with any render engine and game engine that supports light textures/cookies, including Octane, Vray, Redshift, Unity, Unreal Engine, Cycles and more.
The textures in this pack were made by 3D modeling flashlight lenses based on patent drawings, CAD models and photo reference, and then rendering the resulting beams with dispersion and caustics to bring out all the subtle detail and imperfection of real flashlights and spotlights.
Learn more onsurfaceimperfections.com

Technical Details​

Included are

  • 52 16-bit 2k flashlight textures
  • One animated flashlight focus pull
  • Examples files for Blender 3.5 and Unreal Engine 5.1.1

Original_Link: https://www.surfaceimperfections.com/flashlight-textures

Download Links:

Asset Version (5.1+)

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