First-Person Mage Animation Set (4.17+)

First-Person Mage Animation Set (4.17+)

Technical Details
Features: First person animations for mages or wizards
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
Animated: Yes
Number of Animations: 48
Animation Types: In-Place
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows

Important/Additional Notes:
– If you’re building your own player controller, the first person arms mesh should be parented to the camera and should be offset -165 below the camera on the Z-axis
– Source FBX files are located in Content\FirstPersonMage\SourceFiles
– This animation set is provided as a stand-alone project because it depends on Input events defined in the project’s settings. The assets can be easily migrated to another project by right-clicking the FirstPersonMage folder in UE4 and selecting “Migrate”. Just make sure you set up the Input events in your project or the Blueprints won’t work properly!


Download Links:

Asset Version (4.17+)

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