works now on UE4+5
First Person Exploration Kit is a starter package to create a First Person Environmental Exploration or “walking simulator”.
This package includes everything to start quickly. I made this package to help you get started without having to think about programming. Therefore, it mainly includes:
Different base interactions
- Grabbing
- Holding
- Inspecting
- Returning
- Interacting with
- Opening doors/drawers/cupboard
- Reading
The demo map includes example objects of doors, keys, drawers, cupboards, a playing memo, a neat book, some scripted matinee. It is easy to implement your own assets into these prefab objects.
UI fully customizable and made out of different widgets that can be turned off
- Button prompts (for gamepad and keyboard)
- Context sensitive crosshairs (if you can interact or grab) (10 included)
- Main Menu
- Pause Menu
- Reading UI
- Acquiring Key
- Audio UI
- Save System (only map as an example)
Input already set up by me (UE4)
- Controller
- Mouse & Keyboard
This package does include the full documentation and a demo/test map for all the objects and functions included
Technical Details​
Features: It includes all of the following interactions
- Grabbing
- Holding
- Inspecting
- Returning
- Interacting with
- Opening doors/drawers/cupboard
- Reading
- Full UMG for interactions
- main +pause menu
Number of Blueprints: 25
Input: Gamepad, Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: PC
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, Console