Easy Ropes 2D (v2.2.1)


This asset contains Rope2D System used in the game Bad Blocks.

This pack includes:
– Five demo scenes.
– Rope System and three example prefabs (simple rope, chain rope and bridge rope).
– Rope Cutter System.
– Balloon System.
– Simple Balloon Plugger and Rope Creator Window.
– Tack System and Sling Rope.
– Editor inspectors and dynamic ropes (even in editor SceneView).
– Tension gizmos to help you to implement sling effect.
– 48 breakable objects
– Extensive Documentation.
– and much more…

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/sprite-management/easy-ropes-2d-40202

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Asset Version (v2.2.1)

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