Easy Minimap System MT – GPS, Radar, Worldmap, Fog of War & More (v2.5.0)


The tool’s workflow is simple, complete and powerful. Easy Minimap System allows you to create a Minimap with Fog of War, GPS Navigation, Animated Icons, Texts, Sprites and more. You have everything you need!

Optimization is also a focus of this tool, EMS can scan your scene and save it to a PNG image to show on the Minimap in a lightweight way, if you prefer. There is also a full C# API so you can control every aspect of your Minimap in Runtime.

Some Features of This Tool

● It works very optimized (even on mobile devices).

● It is compatible with Mouse, Touch, Keyboard, Joystick and ANY other type of control.

● It has a Compass system that can show Minimap Icons.

● Display any GameObject you want, inside the Minimap.

● Set the Sprite you want, to show a GameObject from your scene on the Minimap.

● Minimap Icons are rendered on the Minimap, using the standard Units scale.

● Minimap Icons can run animations to highlight them in Minimap.

● Minimap Icons automatically follow the rotation and movement of your GameObjects.

● Minimap Icons that are far away can be displayed prominently at the border of the Minimap.

● The Minimap can be displayed in Circular, Square and Rectangular formats.

● Minimap Icons that are on the border of the Minimap can rotate in any shape.

● Fully customizable and resizable Minimap.

● Support for creating Worldmaps in Fullscreen.

● Receive and handle player-made inputs and touchs easily on your Worldmap.

● Render Icons, Sprites, Texts, Lines, Routes and more on your Minimap.

● Scan your scene to display a Sprite of your scene, rather than rendering your scene again on Minimap.

● You can edit the PNGs generated by scanning your scene.

● Scanning can be done in Editor or Runtime. You can adjust the height to scan caves for example.

● If you don’t want to scan, you can display your scene in Realtime 3D on the Minimap.

● You can customize, enable or disable the North icon as well.

● Great and complete documentation.

● It has an intelligent and easy-to-configure GPS navigation system.

● GPS Navigation will always display the shortest path between any points you want in the scene.

● Fog of War system with Load/Save current state support.

● You can check if specific areas were discovered under the Fog of War.

● A Minimap Icon is automatically Enabled/Disabled if its owner GameObject is Enabled/Disabled.

● It has a complete and well-documented C# API to fully control Minimap in Runtime.

● And more…

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/game-toolkits/easy-minimap-system-mt-gps-radar-worldmap-fog-of-war-more-153343

Download Links:

Asset Version (v2.5.0)

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