Easy Color Picker (5.3, 5.4)


This plugin allows you to add to your game a simple and beautiful color picker. Useful for a character creation UI or other customizable features.

You have the possibility to add 2 different widgets:

  • A slider, that interpolate 2 colors to allow the player to choose among 2 colors and all intermediate colors.
  • A wheel and sliders, that allow to your players to choose an infinity of colors.

All these 2 widgets are customizable (see the video above).

They are really quick and easy to add to your own game, and they can be used in UMG/Blueprints and in C++.

The project example presented in the video is included in this purchase, and it contains several Blueprint examples.

Note that these widgets only support mouse inputs.

Technical Details


  • Slider picker widget
  • Wheel picker widget
  • Easy installation / utilization
  • Customizable
  • Compatible with C++ and Blueprints

Code Modules: EasyColorPicker – Runtime

Number of Blueprints: 2

Number of C++ Classes: 4

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Win64, Win32, Mac, Linux, HTML5 (probably works on consoles too)

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64, Win32, Mac, Linux, HTML5 (probably works on consoles too)

Documentation: See the video or the ECP_PickerExample and UIExample Blueprints in the example project.

Original_Link: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/easy-color-picker

Download Links:

Asset Version (5.3, 5.4)

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