E2Chart (v3.3.2)


E2Chart is a scripting GUI package used to create charts and graphs.

Supported charts:

pie chart, bar chart, line chart, area chart, rose chart, radar chart,gauge, solid gauge, table and heatmap


– Lightweight and fast

– Easy to create and modify chart

– Easy to switch between chart types for different visulization purposes

– Edit and preview charts in edit mode

– Highly customizable chart components

– Highly automated chart generation process

– Support line graph with irregular intervals

– Display massive data with good runtime performance

– Display tooltip when mouse hovering chart items

– Support importing data from csv file

– Support Text Mesh Pro

– Full source codes provided

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/gui/e2chart-147893

Download Links:

Asset Version (v3.3.2)

Asset Version (v3.3.1)

Asset Version (v3.3)

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