DynamicDesert+SlideSystem (4.26+)

DynamicDesert+SlideSystem (4.26+)

DynamicDesert+SlideSystem is a useful pack for those who want to create a game that moves through a vast desert.

Material tessellation is used to leave traces of movement on the desert. This has been discontinued since ue5, so the terrain is no longer indented or raised when using this asset in ue5 (the normal map changes remain).

The slide system itself works fine. In the future we may sell just the slide system as a separate asset.

Technical Details
A dynamic desert with traces of passage
Components sliding down a desert slope
Sliding animation
Sand effects
Camera shaking when sliding
Number of Blueprints:6
Input: Gamepad, Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: No

Original_Link: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/dynamicdesert-slidesystem

Download Links:

Asset Version (4.26+)

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