DWELF (v1.0)

DWELF (v1.0)

The Dwelf is a crossing between a dwarf and an elf, cousin of the hobbits from J.R.R Tolkien.
These small people know how to sneak around to surprise their opponents. Despite their little size they can fight with a sword even if they’d rather use a range weapon so they don’t get too involved and have a chance to run away.
Geometry is 17.5 Ktris total ( main body:12 Ktris, slingshot: 600 tris, cloak: 2.3 Ktris, sword: 360 tris, haircut: 2.2 Ktris). Rig is 67 bones and is set to mecanim generic mode. Package offers support for both PBR and Legacy shaders . Model uses 3 materials ( main body with 20482048 / props with 20482048 / hair with 1024*1024 textures).
The package includes a set of 59 animations (17 being root motion variation).

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/humanoids/fantasy/dwelf-31239

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Asset Version (v1.0)

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