Dodge It Component (4.27, 5.1+)


Dodge it component provides an easy and responsive setup for a directional dodging system. Using the character movement input you can trigger the proper dodge or evade animation for that said direction regardless of your control rotation.

If you want to allow your players escape death in an invincible situation, this system is the right one for your project.

Technical Details


  •  Dodge based on movement input
  •  Roll towards velocity direction
  • Stop dodge/roll if falling off ledge
  •  4 Custom made dodging anims included by Rodrigo
  • Dynamic camera movement (bonus)

Number of Blueprints: 1 Component, 1 AnimNotify

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: Basic Replication. NOT 100%

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Important/Additional Notes: This component will be improved and updated as needed.


Download Links:

Asset Version (5.1+)

Asset Version (4.27+)

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