DirectExcel (4.27, 5.0, 5.2)


This plugin provides you with Blueprints and C++ to read & write Excel.xslx file data directly. 

Unlike UE has to import CSV as datatables to use excel data, it’s super convenient to read excel sheets directly. Pushing a bit further, it’s more efficient to sync excel data to UE automatically whenever excel file changed. 


  • Read/Write Excel file 
  • Read/Add/Remove/Copy excel sheets
  • Get/Set cell’s value
  • Supported Types: bool, int, float, string, date
  • Watching excel file changed to notify events to reload game logic
  • Easy to use. >100 Blueprint nodes.
  • Read and write excel cell’s appearance, like font, format…
  • Use whole excel file as Data Registry source
  • Read row items as a Struct item

Supported Platforms: Win64, Android, Mac, IOS

Excel format:

  • Excel-style Workbook
  • LibreOffice-style Workbook
  • Numbers-style Workbook
  • Encrypted Workbook (Excel 2007-2010)
  • Encrypted Workbook (Excel 2013-2016)
  • Document Properties
  • Numeric Cell Values
  • Inline String Cell Values
  • Shared String Cell Values
  • Shared String Text Run Formatting (e.g. varied fonts within a cell)
  • Comments

Technical Details


  • Fix bugs.


  • Add more check logs and fix bugs.
  • Fix StartWatch trigger twice bug. Add reload strategy.


  • Add ReadItem support, now you can read/write FVector/FRotator/FColor/FTransform/FMatrix……and even TArray/TSet/TMap from/into a single cell!

3.0-2021.08.24(a big change)

  • Add UE4.27 support
  • Add “Data Registry” support, see the last picture
  • Allow ExcelWorksheet to create a DataTable object for querying (need set table header at first)
  • Add some useful nodes, such as “ReadStructAtRowIndex”(convert one row’s data to a struct item)
  • Fix bugs.








Download Links:

Asset Version (4.27, 5.0, 5.2)

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