Darker Nodes (4.25, 4.27, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4)

Darker Nodes (4.25, 4.27, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4)

Darker Nodes is a modern theme for the Unreal Editor that aims to improve the feeling of the editor, reduce the mental load of the complex interfaces, and change the brightness of the whole editor.

Technical Details
Interface flat design
Blueprint nodes flat design
Button/text boxes redesign
50+ icons specially designed (and their variants)

3 grey levels (dark, darker, darkest)
5 temperature levels (cooler, cool, normal, warm, warmer)
6 primary color (orange, cyan, white, red, purple, green)
Ability to disable new icons
Ability to disable blueprint grid
Customize the colors of the theme (background, primary, text…)

Code Modules: Editor
Supported Development Platforms: Win64, Win32, Mac, Linux

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/ai/blaze-ai-engine-194525

Download Links:

Asset Version v3.4 (5.4)

Asset Version v3.4 (5.3)

Asset Version v2.5-v2.6-v3.3 (4.25, 4.27 – 5.1, 5.2)

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