Country Side (4.27+)

Country Side (4.27+)

Country Side package is intended to be a quick start to a foliage pack for just about any scene you need. With versatile trees, grass, rocks, terrain, all hooked up to latest UE4 standards (both desktop and mobile assets), it is just a drag and drop into your scene to get it working.

Each asset is optimized with full LODs, no wasted texture space, clean materials, to insure this runs as smoothly as possible. Advanced, but simplified, materials. These shaders are getting the most out of all the great UE4 shader properties, but built in a clean and thorough manner so just about any level of shader artist can pick up easily. All assets are fitted with unreal wind to bring life into the world. This pack comes with 2 identical environments, but set during fall and summer months, so showcase the diversity of the assets.

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Technical Details

Designed for Desktop and Mobile

8 trees with fall variations w/ LODs
8 Mobile trees
5 Terrain Materials
Dozen grass, bush and weeds
Handful of Rocks with moss variations
Modular Rock and Wooden fences
Dirt and Asphalt Roads
1 Cottage style house

Trees: 6000-12000 tris (LODs decrease in increments of 50%)
Trees Mobile: 600-1200
Props: 500-4000
Mobile Props: 50-800

Texture Sizes:
Foliage: 1024s
Terrain: 2048s
Props: 2048-4096


Download Links:

Asset Version (4.27+)

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