Cloudscape Seasons (5.0+)


Volumetric Cloud system with procedural generation using ray marching and with artistic controls on the shapes and fine details. You can set up to 3 different layers of clouds, each one with a different cloud type and wind strength and speed. You can customize shadowing and colors as fix parameters or driven by curves. Sky Sphere BP replacement for driving Sun and Moon trajectories both based in calendar with latitude and longitude settings. It allows you to generate your own cloud shapes using the provided materials as models.

Technical Details


  • Raymarched Volumetric Clouds (you can fly into)
  • Self Shadowing and Shadow projection to environment
  • Turbulence on the edges
  • Procedural generated textures (Coverage 2K or 4K)
  • Artistic freedom to set colors, to tell different shapes for clouds and places they won’t show up
  • Day & night cycles with both Sun and Moon
  • No C++ code, only blueprints & materials with HLSL nodes.
  • Multiplayer Replication


  • Blueprints: 09
  • Materials: 21
  • Mat Functions: 11
  • Textures: 13
  • Meshes: 02
  • Demo Maps: 05


Download Links:

Asset Version (5.0+)

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