Broccoli Tree Creator v1.9.10


Broccoli Tree Creator is a Unity Extension for Procedural Vegetation that gives you full control on how your trees and vegetation should behave and look to fit right in your project.

It uses a node-based system that provides randomization and customization on almost every aspect of the final tree, so that the trees and vegetation will fit just right in your project visual style, while being optimized for performance . Control the shape of the trunk, branches, roots and leaves, manage their mesh resolution, fine tune the materials, textures and UV mapping.

Technical details
Structure generators with a node hierarchy to generate branches and sprouts.
Fully editable branches with bezier curve tools.
Sprout meshing modes: plane, cross, tricross, planeX, grid, billboard and mesh.
Processing modes for normals to control lighting on sprout meshes.
Sprout groups: to set the mode, alignment, scale, mapping and wind properties on sprouts along the tree branches.
Modifiers for length, girth, branch sparse, twirl, Perlin noise and branch bending.
WindZone component directional mode support.
Prefab generation with costumizable LOD Group + billboard assets.
Global scaling for the final tree (to adapt to your game proportions).
Prefab creation with texture atlas.
Controls for texture areas, mapping options and custom materials on branches and sprouts.
Custom shapes for branches.
Support for Unity Terrain System tree instancing.
Support to build trees based on SpeedTree7 and SpeedTree8 Unity built-in shaders or use your own custom shaders/materials.
HDRP and URP support for SpeedTree7 and SpeedTree8 shaders (depends on your SRP version having these shaders).*
Runtime API to load pipelines and create trees at runtime.
Persistence system (save, load, share) your tree pipeline.
Catalog with pre-made tree pipelines (so you get trees ready out of the box and pipelines to work with).
Documentation and source code with comments.
Compatible with The Vegetation Engine.


Download Links:

Asset Version v1.9.10

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Asset Version v1.9.8

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Asset Version v1.9.2 (Nov 22, 2023)

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Asset Version v1.8.2 (Sep 14 2023)

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