Bike Control PRO – The best motorcycle control v1.1.2 (5.2, 5.3, 5.4)

Bike Control PRO – The best motorcycle control v1.1.2 (5.2, 5.3, 5.4)

The best offer in the market, the physical implementation of a two -wheeled motorcycle. Sportbike and procedural animation of the character are included in the asset along with control. The maximum stability and stability of the bike on uneven surfaces is realized. Suitable for arcade games. Bike control is close to real.


1. You can use the Physics substepping.

2. The sound of the motor.

3. The procedural character of the character and inverse kinematics.

4. Burnout.

5. All light bulbs work.

6. The sound of the wheels, the sound of the wheel impact.

7. The sound of the gear switch and the sound of the exhaust.

8. Mobile fluid in expanding barrels.

9. You can configure the bike tilt along the curve from speed.

10. Maximum stability.

11. Braking with an engine.

12. Stoppie Control.

13. Traces from sliding tires.

14. ABS.

15. Dynamic chain.

16. Sportbike includes 28 fully customized material.

17. Support analog Joystick for.

And much more…

Disclaimer: For a comfortable calculation of physics, 40+ FPS is required. Since the behavior of the motorcycle tries to be like the real thing, it is recommended to use it on smooth roads. Or be careful on roads with obstacles. Take Recorder may not render animations from this plugin correctly.

Technical Details


  • All code needed to work is written in C++ for best performance. All necessary functions for work can be called from blueprints. Knowledge of C++ is not required.
  •  Easy to use and easy to integrate into your project.
  •  Free support for our products in discord

Code Modules:

  • ABikePawn (Type: Runtime)
  • UPIDCtrlComponent (Type: Runtime)

Number of Blueprints: 2

Number of C++ Classes: 2

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Win64MacLinux

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64, Mac, Linux


Download Links:

Asset Version v1.1.2 (5.4)

Asset Version v1.1.2 (5.3)

Asset Version v1.1.2 (5.2)

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