Bicycle Power Simulator (v1.1)

Bicycle Power Simulator (v1.1)

This package helps you to compute the speed a bicycle can move by entering the leg power in watts from the rider.

By using the air drag, rolling resistance and gravity equations, we can accuratly calculate at what speed a bicycle would move.

The 2 main methods are:
SetPower(power) , to move the bike and get the resulting speed

GetpowerforSpeed(speed), to get the needed power so the bike can reach the given speed.

One of the many applications of this simulation is to make a bike move on the screen by inputing the power from a real bike (home trainer) and get realistic results

A demo scene is using a Spline Controller to move a bike with various power input and speed
The slope will affect the speed, power input, acceleration and braking in realtime.

A 3D bike model and animated rider are also included

Download Links:

Asset Version (v1.1)

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