Ascent Combat Framework Ultimate (ACF U) V 1.1 – C++ Complete Game Creator (5.5)


Ascent Combat Framework Ultimate (ACF U) is a multi-module C++ plugin designed to provide you with a powerful, extendable framework to build your very own Action RPG game in record time and supports multiplayer.
This massive plugin includes the highly succesful Ascent Combat Framework, Ascent Toolset and Ascent UI Tools combined into a single, powerful asset, packed with additional unique features like the revolutionary Combo Graph and hundreds of integration Blueprints. ACF U includes advanced Editor tools that seamlessly blend with the engine, making it feel like you’re working with a supercharged version of Unreal.

ACF v2 Demo (New demo coming soon!)
NEW 1.1: New GASP integrated, Parry and more!
Introducing YARIN – The first AI Developer assistant for ACF – BETA VERSION can be tested here.
Unleash your Creativity
Crafted by veteran engineers with AAA game-industry experience, ACF Ultimate combines the power of a professional, production-ready C++ tool with the simplicity of a Blueprint template. With a fully-featured Blueprint sample project that showcases all its capabilities, everything is setup to work out of the box, so you can jump straight into crafting your idea. ACF U gives you everything you need to create a complete game:

  • Advanced Character Controller with 3 sample AnimBlueprints: Blendspaces, Distance Matching and GASP Integration (BETA) with Motion Matching
  • Melee Combat with animation warp and adjustments
  • Ranged Combat and Shooting, with samples for bows, shotguns, rifles and pistols
  • Inventory & Equipment, with Crafting and fully ready UI with Gamepad Navigation for every element including vendors, chests etc.
  • Attribute System and Leveling, with the possibility of crerating custom Attributes and dependencies directly in Editor
  • Automatic Save System, save and load your entire world with a single blueprint node
  • Spells: including many pre-made spells and the possibility of creating new ones
  • Targeting system, highly customizable including the possibility of locking as in souls-like games
  • Riding and Mounted Combat, generic riding systems that supports any kind of creature and vehicles
  • AI Framework with AI Groups and Companions, with many pre-made behaviours for AIs including monsters, melee, ranged enemies and mages!
  • Quest Editor, a node based quest editor with dozens of pre made objectives to create your quests!
  • Dialogue Editor , a node based dialogue system supporting custom cameras, animations and voices
  • Map Creator, create your world map/minimap or export it in an external software
  • Navigation, full navigation system with map, markers and compass
  • 100+ widget and Automatic Gamepad Navigation including main menu, puase, settings etc. Based on Common UI
  • Style Manager to reskin all the widgets in an incredibly easy way
  • …much much more! More info here!

Unleash your creativity, save YEARS of work and let ACF U take care of the rest!
Unmatched Modularity
ACF U is massive yet modular, offering 37 powerful modules, each with its own clear responsibilities, keeping your development streamlined and efficient. It makes it much easier to keep your code organized, SOLID and incredibly easy to maintain. More info here!
Do I need to know C++ to work with ACF U?
Absolutely not! ACF U is designed so you never have to touch it’s C++ code. It’s like an engine within an engine, allowing you to work entirely in Blueprints, if you want. Everything is exposed, making it fully expandable without writing a single line of code, giving you the power of professional C++ gameplay system with the simplicity of Blueprints! And if you want you can of course extend it in C++ as well!

Technical Details​

Code Modules & Features:

  • Actions System [Runtime]
  • Advanced RPG System [Runtime]
  • AI Framework [Runtime]
  • Ascent Combat Framework [Runtime]
  • Ascent Combo Graph [Runtime]
  • Ascent Combo Graph Editor [Editor]
  • Ascent Core Interfaces [Runtime]
  • Ascent Dialogue System [Runtime]
    … continues here

Number of Blueprints: 283
Number of C++ Classes: 348
Network Replicated: Mostly yes, with some exceptions, more info here
Supported Development Platforms:

  • Windows: (Yes)

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Android, PS5, Xbox One


Download Links:

Asset Version v1.1 (5.5)



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