Advanced FPS Counter (v1.5.4)

Advanced FPS Counter (v1.5.4)

🚀 FPS Counter on steroids: monitor wide variety of stats on target device, configure for your needs, react to performance state, extend and read data using flexible API!

Shows stats via 3 counters:

• FPS Counter

• Memory Counter

• Device Information Counter

Has a lot of customization settings.

See it in action at the WebGL demo.

📌 FPS Counter

Frames per second, obviously ;D

Frame time in milliseconds.

Average FPS with customizable samples.

Minimum and maximum FPS with prewarm.

Approximate Render Time.

Custom colors within 3 custom intervals.

📌 Memory Counter

Total private memory.

Allocated memory.

Mono memory.

GFX Driver memory (Unity 2018+, dev build).

Optional Precise mode for extra accuracy.

Customizable color.

📌 Device Information Counter

Customizable color.

OS: name and Platform type.

CPU: model, cores count.

GPU row 1: full model name.

GPU row 2: API name and type.

GPU row 3: shader model & VRAM.

RAM: total amount on current device.


  • resolution & refresh rate
  • window size & screen DPI

Model: device model.

📌 Common features

Optional background (invisible) mode.

Global hotkey to enable / disable plugin.

Global gesture to enable / disable plugin.

Force FPS option to simulate low-end device.

Keep Alive option to survive scene switches.

Flexible counters anchoring.

Smart update system.

Independent counters update intervals.

Background effect.

Text Shadow & Outline effects.

Custom colors and style for each counter.

Custom scale, font, spacing, pixel offsets.

And more (see screenshots)!

📌 Overall highlights

Easy to start:

  • detailed User Manual
  • examples scene and ready-to-go prefabs
  • video tutorials

Easy to extend:

  • full API Reference
  • 🔥 full C# sources included!


Download Links:

Asset Version (v1.5.4)

Asset Version (v1.5.3)

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