Quickly add bodycam effect to your game!Video demo and tutorial: https://youtu.be/o25MQzFnTDU
SUPER easy installation:
Drag-and-drop bodycam component on any of your character to add bodycam functionality:Super easy setup.Easy customization via exposed component variables:
- Noise and camera artifacts
- VHS-like effect (RGB channels offset)
- Fisheye effect
- Camera moves along with character animations
- Movement interpolation/stabilization
- Advanced motion-blur
- Reduced dynamic range to mimic cheap cameras
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Support Discord server: https://discord.gg/sutAa5vZ3aREADME:How to install
- Go to AdvancedBodyCam\
- Drag and Drop BPC_BodyCamComponent onto your skeletal mesh inside your character blueprint
- Choose socket that you want (usually spine3/spine4 or spine5 work fine
- Rotate and position camera to your taste (e.g. on character chest)
- Run the game, component would setup everything automaticallySee “Advanced Body Cam” exposed variables on the component to tweak the look and individual effectsNote: Environment is NOT included, you can find it here: https://www.fab.com/listings/f55d1547-8df0-48ab-9a9c-e2054d4217fe
Original_Link: https://www.fab.com/listings/1e8b14da-adf5-498d-bef6-384c79620413