Advanced Actor Transform (4.27+)

Advanced Actor Transform (4.27+)

You just need to add the AdvancedActorTransform_ControlComponent to an actor and tag the actors you want to control with it, when the actor with the component is moved around (or its values edited) the tagged actors transform will be influenced in a variety of ways.

All of the values can be edited in the sequencer, allowing you to create complex animations with just a single blueprint.
Multiple components can be added at the same time with a limitation: they can’t control the same actors.

This component can be added to any actor, so it’s compatible with static and skeletal meshes, particle systems, lights, text and more.
To get the best results, make sure the pivot point of the tagged actor is at the center or bottom.

This product is ideal for motion graphics and cinematics (Movie Render Queue is recommended), it can be used in games but you should read the documentation to understand how to optimize the performance, otherwise controlling too many actors could cause a fps drop.

The engine built-in plugin EditorScriptingUtilities must be enabled in order to use the scripts to add/remove actor tags.

Technical Details
This pack is composed by:
One Main Actor Component AdvancedActorTransformComponent with different presets that can be toggled through buttons
One ActorActionUtility to simplify the addition and removal of Tags
Two Enums and a Struct to extend capabilities
The ExampleContent folder can be deleted if you don’t need it, it contains:
Third person example map to explain how this component can be used in games
Sequencer example map to explain ho to use it for virtual production and an example Level Sequence
An actor to display the tags of a referenced objects
An activation volume that can change values of the component on overlap
5 Materials and 13 Material Instances
20 Static Meshes
1 Third person Character blueprint with 1 HUD widget to display the component values at runtime
1 Rich text style DataTable for the widget
Plugins Required: EditorScriptingUtilities
Input: Default from third person template
Network Replicated: (No)
Supported Development Platforms:


Download Links:

Asset Version (4.27+)

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