The Vegetation Engine | Mobile Shaders Module (v12.6.0)

The Vegetation Engine | Mobile Shaders Module (v12.6.0)

The Vegetation Engine is a set of high-quality shaders and tools designed to unify 3rd party vegetation under the same system. Enable high-quality wind motion, interaction, seasons, wetness, subsurface, height-based blending, etc. for all vegetation assets with Standard, Universal, or HD Render Pipeline!

Use the shading and unification power provided by the Vegetation Engine now on mobile devices and VR. Create dynamic seasons, snow, wetness, high-quality wind, and interaction with the new shader designed with performance in mind! Switch prefabs to mobile shaders, before or after the conversion, with one click!

â—‹ Features

✓ The Vegetation Engine systems supported: Motion, Seasons, Overlay

✓ The Vegetation Engine elements supported: Colors, Overlay, Motion Interaction, Motion Direction, Motion Flow, Wind Power

✓ Basic Transmission approximation support

✓ Baked Detail Blending support for Bark and Props

✓ Top Projection Detail Blending support Object shaders

✓ Distance Size Fade support

✓ Amplify Shader Editor support

✓ Zero global keywords used

✓ Basic demo scene included

â—‹ Limitations

🞫 Shader Model 4.5+ capable devices are required (Desktop / High-End Mobile)

🞫 Scalable Ambient Obscurance is not supported in Forward Rendering

🞫 Beta and Alpha Unity versions are not officially supported

🞫 HDRP is not supported and it is out of scope


Download Links:

Asset Version (v12.6.0)

Asset Version (v12.5.0)

Asset Version (v12.4.0)

Asset Version (v12.3.0)

Asset Version (v12.2.0)

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