GBWPowerfulEffect – Make your Combat more expressive now. Multiplayer Ready (5.1, 5.3+)VIP 

This product comes from the PowerfulHit plugin. As a functional module in the PowerfulHit plugin that enhances hit sensation, it has been isolated as a standalone plugin.

This plugin aims to provide a universal framework for executing all logic related to game effects.

This framework does not require users to care about any network replication related logic. There is even no need for users to manually add any plugins. By simply calling a unified global function, any user-defined Struct can be passed in network replication to enable any user-defined Effect to have network replication capabilities.

Fully implemented using C++. Can be used in both C++and Blueprint.

In the provided Demo project, a series of Effects were implemented based on this plugin to enhance combat hit sensation.


  • Attack Swing Trail 
  • Sound
  • Niagara
  • Blood – Generate the effect of blood splashing. And blood stains will form on any surface it splashes onto.
  • Body Shake, supports bone shake
  • Body Flash
  • Freeze Frame
  • Camera Shake
  • Camera Lens Blur
  • Set Spring Arm
  • PostureAdjust – Dynamically adjust the attack posture according to the height and position of the target!
  • And a comprehensive effect called Hit, which can be used to quickly specify the effects for combat hits.

Technical Details


  •  Provide a universal framework for executing all logic related to game effects
  •  By simply calling a unified global function, any user-defined Struct can be passed in network replication to enable any user-defined Effect to have network replication capabilities.
  • By inheriting the GBWEffectActor base class, users can fully customize their own effects without considering network replication logic.

Code Modules: (Please include a full list of each Plugin module and their module type (Runtime, Editor etc.))

  •  GBWPowerfulEffect[Runtime]
  •  GBWPowerfulTools[Runtime]
  •  GBWPowerfulEffectEditor[UncookedOnly]
  •  GBWPowerfulToolsEditor[UncookedOnly]

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 12

Network Replicated: (Yes)

Supported Development Platforms: (WIn64)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (WIn64)


Download Links:

Asset Version (5.1, 5.3+)


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