Elite Ops Unity Multiplayer FPS Shooter For Android & iOS (v1.0)

Elite Ops Unity Multiplayer FPS Shooter For Android & iOS (v1.0)

Elite Ops Unity Multiplayer First Person Shooter

Publish game to Android, iOS, and other platforms.
Photon 2 for multiplayer, PlayFab for Saving Data. Unity IAP System for IAP.

This Game Was Made In Unity 2018.3 version with No Error Log.


â–º  Real-Time Multiplayer With Bots

â–º 5 Game Modes : Team Deathmatch, Free For All, Capture The Flag, Gun Game, Bomb Defuse

â–º 3 Maps (Street, Pattaya, Venice)

â–º 10 Weapons (Knife, MAC-10, MP5, M590, AKM, SG556, M249, SKS, M40A3, Frag Grenade) With Healing Stim Shot

â–º  4 Grenades (Frag, Smoke, Stun, Impact Grenades)

â–º Tutorial System For New Players

â–º Good Looking Effects

â–º Modern Designed UI for All Platform

â–º Friend System

â–º Class Customization & Weapon Customization

â–º Random Crates Available

â–º Player Customizable Items, Banner, Kill Message, Emotes

â–º Booster System

â–º Highly Optimized For Low-End Device

â–º Google Play Login Feature

â–º Admob Ads Support

And more…

[KillStreak System]

8 KillStreaks are Available (Scan Drone, Recon Aircraft, Counter UAV, Weapon Crates, Air Strike, Attack Heli, Sentry Turret, EMP Strike)

Each Item can be Purchased around the Map.

[Minimap System]
If the enemy is in your field of view and does not fire, you will not see it.
It will appear when you start to shoot.(Except the knife)
It will not appear after 7.5 seconds when the shoot has finished.

Always visible,
Teammate (White)
if Terrorist and C4 is on.(Yellow)
Points A and B.
C4 Icon.

Original_Link: https://www.sellmyapp.com/downloads/elite-ops-unity-multiplayer-first-person-shooter-for-android-ios/

Download Links:

Asset Version (v1.0)

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