Loading Screen Studio (v2.0.2)

Loading Screen Studio (v2.0.2)

Create good looking and smooth loading screen system in seconds! Everything you see is included in the package, easy to use, fully editable, customizable and documented.

• Easy To Use
LSS only needs a single event or code to work. It supports both single and additive (basic) loading modes.

• Editor Tools
Instead of tweaking things one by one, tweak them all in seconds using the editor tools. Add or change almost everything within Unity, no need to deal with code or external tools.

• Different Loading Screen Presets
There are 5 different loading screen presets to get you started quickly! If you want, you can use them as a base and customize them according to your needs.

• Different Loading Spinners
There are 6 different loading spinners. Spinner system is modular, meaning you can new custom spinners or tweak the current ones.

• Virtual Loading
If you want the loading screen to stay visible for a certain period of time, you can use the virtual loading feature!

• Background Transitions
LSS supports both static and random background transitions.

• Hint System
Supports both static and random hints with a fixed time option.

• Other Goodies
Press Any Key system, loading with trigger or tag, loading callbacks and more!

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/gui/loading-screen-studio-250428

Download Links:

Asset Version (v2.0.2)

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