Niagara Stylized Footsteps (4.27+)

Niagara Stylized Footsteps (4.27+)

Niagara Stylized Footsteps for various surfaces (e.g. water, dust, grass, fire, smoke, sparks and more)

Game ready, optimized. Contains 25 Footsteps Niagara Particle Systems, 10 materials, 3 meshes & 10 textures (4 sprite-sheets)

Scalable for further use or may be used as it is.

Trailer here:

Technical Details


Type of Emitters: GPU

Number of Unique Effects: 25

LODs: No

Number of Materials: 10

Number of Textures: 10

Number of Unique Meshes: 3

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Important/Additional Notes: The steps are exemplified using the Mannequin from Unreal. For that, I’ve added a socket on each foot of the skeleton.


Download Links:

Asset Version (4.27+)

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