Text Animator for Unity (v2.3.0)

Text Animator for Unity (v2.3.0)

Chosen by wonderful games like Dredge, Cult of The Lamb, Slime Rancher 2 and many more, Text Animator for Unity is a powerful and flexible tool that brings your texts to life in very few simple steps.

You can animate letters and stack effects together (from built-in to your custom ones), show text dynamically with different speeds (like characters, puntuactions and words), trigger gameplay events when a specific letter is shown and much more! Works in any platform and rendering pipeline.

Technical details


  • Quick to set up (as fast as adding two components).
  • Create your own effects from the Inspector or C#.
  • 15+ built-in effects ready to use.
  • Supports multiple effects, stackable on the same letters.
  • Requires TextMeshPro, supporting its emotes, alignments and custom fonts.
  • Show and hide the text dynamically (like a typewriter), with different appearance and disappearance effects, from any direction and with custom speeds.
  • Call Events from text and perform any action.
  • Supports external Dialogue Systems and Plugins (some already integrated!).
  • Short, detailed and easy to read Documentation.

Supports many platforms, like:

  • Desktop (including Windows, macOs, Linux [..])
  • Console (including Nintendo Switch, XBOX and PlayStation)
  • Mobile (including iOs and Android)
  • WebGL (e.g. when uploading on Itch.io)
  • Including IL2CPP platforms


  • Dialogue System for Unity
  • PlayMaker
  • Yarn Spinner
  • Naninovel (partial)
  • Ink
  • Unity Visual Scripting (formerly “Bolt”)

You can also integrate your own Dialogue Systems and Plugins! (some are already planned in the future!). Take a look at the documentation for more.


  • Show and hide text dynamically with multiple appearance effects.
  • Trigger events when a word/letter has been shown.
  • Play sounds for each letter.
  • Waits multiple pauses for specific characters (like puntuactions).
  • Via tags, waits for X seconds or for player input.
  • Increase or decrease its speed while typing.
  • Skip the typewriter and show the entire text on player input.

For Programmers:

  • Includes C# Source code.


  • Multiple Example scenes for each use case


Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/gui/text-animator-for-unity-254677

Download Links:

Asset Version (v2.3.0)

Asset Version (v2.1.0)

Asset Version (v2.0.2)

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