Hierarchy 4 (v1.4.2.1)


Hierarchy 4 is a editor extension to improve hierarchy window. Makes the hierarchy more detail, but still clean and easy to organize.

Features (See technical details) are customizable, very lightweight and optimization.

*Note: Delete old version of Hierarchy 4 before importing new version.

** Hierarchy 4 still workable with some versions before 2022.2.x (But not guaranteed)

Technical details

– (New) Display missing script (Part of display component feature)

– Custom hierarchy gameobject background (Instant background)

– Hierarchy Folder

– Separator

– Display & editable components

– Display & editable custom hierarchy icons

– Instant Inspector (Edit multi component from multi object at the same time)

– Display hierarchy tree view

– Display hierarchy row

– Display & editable layer and tag

– Display hierachy row background

– Quick set active/inactive, sibling gameobject

– Lock/Unlock gameobject

– Multiple rename gameobject (With number prefix)

– Quick rename scene

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/hierarchy-4-242660

Download Links:

Asset Version (v1.4.2.1)

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