Emerald AI 3.0 (v3.2.1)

Emerald AI 3.0 (v3.2.1)

Fully supports Unity 2019.4+, Unity 2020+, Unity 2021+, and Unity 2022+!
For URP or HDRP support, users simply need to convert materials to the desried Render Pipeline.

Emerald AI, the ultimate universal AAA quality AI solution for animal AI, shooter AI, RPG AI, NPCs, and more!

Emerald AI allows developers to quickly create engaging dynamic AI with 100’s of AAA quality features, all without having to write a single line of code! Emerald AI’s editor is designed to make creating AI easy, yet incredibly customizable. Emerald caters to all kinds of developers and offers everything users would expect from an all-in-one AI system.

Emerald AI’s Setup Manager allows users to create AI in just seconds. Emerald AI includes 13 example scenes, well documented code, and a self-documented editor allowing for a low learning curve. Emerald’s documentation, tutorials, scripting reference, and support are all accessible right from within the editor.

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/ai/emerald-ai-3-0-203904

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Asset Version (v3.2.1)

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