Ultimate GASP v1.8.1 (5.5)VIP 

-Add Burn effect when you touch a fire actor
-fix “NavMeshBoundsVolume” on megascan map ( now the enemies are no longer limited )
-fix traversal for some static mesh on megascan map
-Add BP Trigger for spawn Enemy (so that it is not loaded into memory too high unnecessarily) is replaces all enemies on Megascan map with async spawns
-Change fire effect on character
-Fix Crosshair on first Aim (after the weapon is automatically stored or following an event )
-Hides the crosshair when the weapon is automatically stored after 10 seconds and the AIM button is still pressed
-Add DataAsset for Each Character (player and enemy) to configure the damage multiplier coefficient per bone hit (head x5) other bones can be specified if needed.
-Fix Damage spider with attack (sword and Axe)
-Add Interaction with Water
-add zombies (elementary for now to see to improve the behavior as soon as possible)
-fix damage issue and attacks with spiders (is a little more balanced the fight)
-Make some change on Megascan Map
-Add auto narrow space
-Add glow Stick Like Grenade (30 sec)
-Add Zombie Map Test

Already in Game :
-Weapons System : (rifle, pistol ,shotgun, Grenade Launcher ,Rocket Launcher, Sword , FlameThrower, sniper)
-Grenade Systemp : (clasical , smoke , flashbang, molotov , ice ,electric)
-AI system with chase, hearting …..
-Car System (with cars from City Sample
-Chaos System (glass and other)
-Some Item (Bandage , Binoculars, Torch)
-Xray (Like the last of us)
-Balance System
-Impact and effect on each surface and Interactive Surface ( sound , Niagaga ) with Data Asset
-Ai enemy like Spider
-Pickup System with outline
-PopNumber when Damage
-Tripwire Mines system
-pipe fire and smoke
-weather manager (snow and rain) from my marketplace asset “Ultimate Surface Interactive Trace”
-Inventory Component
-Radial Menu for Item
-Crouch System
-foot IK with control Rig
-Ai enemy From Paragon
-Sliding System
-stealth system
-throw rock for AI
-loot item on AI Death
-Stealth system
-Stealth Finisher
-Spline Track Guide (for tutorial by exemple)
-basic tutorial
-basic mission and world Marker
-electric barrier
-Narrow Space
-Path Track for AI (to follow a specific path and can take a break determined in advance at each of the points)
-SaveGame/LoadGame with checkpoint (with full inventory save and location character)
-Full Main Menu ( New game / Continue / Select Level / Graphics Option / Credit )
-Damage for Melee attack with pistol , rifle , shotgun
-swimming system

Original_Link: https://www.patreon.com/UstudioGaming

Download Links:

Asset Version v1.8.1 (5.5)


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