This project includes everything pictured with all assets, maps, and materials created in the Unreal Engine. Each asset was created for realistic AAA quality visuals, style, and budget.
NOTE: Nanite is enabled for the meshes in the project but simply selecting all meshes right clicking and disabling nanite will return the meshes back to a low poly ready state.
- 49 Meshes
- Modular Ivy design to be used on any surface
- Tiling wall vertex paint ivy texture
- High quality and fidelity texture sets – 2k textures+
- Master material setup that control the majority of all props and models
- Additional controls for roughness, albedo, normals and more
- Channel packed Roughness | Metalness | Ambient Occlusion
- Realistic Post Process and Look Up Table
- Optimized for games
- Free of all legal issues as all branding and labels are custom made by our studio
- This product supports Lumen for Unreal Engine 5.0+ (Unreal Documentation)
- Video Guide:Â…16bfd9?pvs=4#1e598a2eb03c40b3960865ec681af0c0
Technical Details​
Scaled to Epic Skeleton: Yes
Collision: Yes
Vertex Count: Displayed in Documentation
LODs: SmallProp
Number of Meshes: 49
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 40 (Including Material Functions)
Number of Textures: 74
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Window/Mac/PS4/Xbox