Recoil Pattern v1.1 (5.1) – v1.0 (5.0, 4.27)

Recoil Pattern v1.1 (5.1) – v1.0 (5.0, 4.27)

RecoilPattern is a solution based on systems used in most AAA shooters to provide a incredible and responsive shooting experience for users on consoles, PCs and mobile devices.

The plugin provides many options for customizing the recoil of weapons.
With a new asset type and a custom editor, you can create any recoil pattern, in any direction, at any speed
The “relaxation” system will return the sight to the starting point after firing
With the help of special modifiers, you can change the recoil strength during the game, for example, when the character is sitting or running

Technical Details
Custom Recoil Pattern asset
Custom editor
Сomponent-based recoil implementation
Relaxation implementation
Recoil modifiers to change the recoil pattern in runtime
Code Modules:
Number of C++ Classes: 18
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: All
Supported Target Build Platforms: All


Download Links:

Asset Version v1.1 (5.1) – v1.0 (5.0, 4.27)

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