Multi Task 2 (Multi-threading & Procedural Plugin) v2.1.7 (5.0, 5.1)

Multi Task 2 (Multi-threading & Procedural Plugin) v2.1.7 (5.0, 5.1)

Multi Task 2 enables multi-threading in Blueprints in the fastest, cleanest and the most efficient way.

Built from scratch, with Blueprints in mind, Multi Task 2 comes with extra robustness, stability, speed and functionality, allowing users to safely enable multi-threading in their Blueprint projects.

Knowledge of multi-threading is not required since Multi Task 2 itself will enable users to develop performant games and applications.

Being the successor of Multi Task Pro, Multi Task 2 comes with easy to use functionality based on user feedback and over two years of experience in the industry.

Why a separate product?
Since Multi Task 2 has been completely rebuilt from scratch, it is no longer compatible with the previous version (Multi Task Pro).

Multi Task 2 is a state-of-the-art software, ready for production, which allows to easily bring multi-threading and runtime procedural functionalities in all of your projects.
Multi Task 2 is currently developed only for UE5 and above.
Updating Custom Floats Data using Multi Task 2 is not currently working properly.

Technical Details
Async Task
Async Loop 1D/2D/3D Task
Multi-Thread Task
Parallel Tasks
Pixel Reader (multi-threaded)
Spawn HISM Instances (multi-threaded/parallel)
Update HISM Instances – Transforms/Custom Float Data (multi-threaded/parallel)
Ability to Async update physics bodies
Custom Thread Pools
Thread Safe Boolean
Thread Safe Integer
Thread Safe Collision Testing
Lots of other utility stuff
Convert Render Target to UTexture2D at runtime
Create UTexture2D at runtime
Read Image File to Pixel Data (multi-threaded)
Read Image URL to Pixel Data (multi-threaded)
Delaunay Triangulation 2D (multi-threaded)
Pixel Data Dithering (Floyd Steinberg) (multi-threaded)
Read URL To Data (Send HTTP/S requests(GET, POST etc)

Generate Geometry Features (4.26 and above):
Helper functions for chunked systems and Density Data retrieving
Fast & reliable
Build Density Data(value/color) using Blueprint Graphs
Ability to pass pre-generated Density Data(voxel edits)
Multiple customization features
LOD support
Ability to use Gradient Normals(advanced/basic) or Triangle Normals with or without Flat Shading.
Force Manifold meshes.
Ability to update AI Navigation data automatically or manually
Simple, Tetrahedrons and Dual algorithms


Download Links:

Asset Version v2.1.7 (5.0, 5.1)

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