Soldier Future 02 (4.18+)


I present to you a great soldier character.
The character is assembled from parts of female soldiers.
This will be the male version of the soldiers.
I will be changing some things and also adding some armor and different heads.
The character has an pistol.

Technical Details​

Rigged: (Yes)
Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes)The character has 2 rigs, for UE4 and UE5
Animated: (No)
Number of Animations: (No)
Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): (No)
Number of characters:1
Vertex counts of characters:
Soldier Future 02:179,312
Number of Materials and Material Instances:31
Number of Textures:57
Texture Resolutions:
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Documentation: (No)
Important/Additional Notes: (No)


Download Links:

Asset Version (4.18+)

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