Various color materials, Different Base Stone skins,Noise material and Hue Shift node for ultimately wide color customization included!
PBR Stylized Material:
- 5 Handpainted Diffuse Maps for each of skin colors
- Normal map
- AO map
- Roughness map
- Mask map
- Emissive map
Choose between different styles:
- Classic Lava Elemental
- Void Lava Elemental
- Poison Lava Elemental
- Mana Lava Elemental
- Golden Lava Elemental
Create your own style with:
- 5 Base stone colors
- Hue Shift Node
- Noise material Node
- Idle
- Idle01
- Talk
- Walk
- Run
- Ready
- Attack
- Attack01
- Roar
- Hit
- SpellReady
- Spell
- SpellChannel
- Death
Technical Details​
Scaled to Epic Skeleton: Yes
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic Skeleton: No
Animated: Yes
Number of Characters: 1
Vertex Count: 5,380
Triangle Count: 8,790
Texture Resolutions: 2048×2048
Number of Textures: 15
Number of Materials: 2 master & 10 instances (1 master and 5 instances for PC/Consoles & 1 master and 5 instances for Mobile)
Do Materials derive from a Master Material with instances as variation: Yes
Number of Animations: 14