BF Helicopter (UE4)


Blueprint of a helicopter with a gameplay that reminds some helicopters on big triple A games.
Can be used for any type of helicopter, has up to 100+ knobs for enthusiasts.
Has modes for 1st, 3rd, top down, side scroller and top scroller.
Out of the box weapon system, network and more.

How to implement on your project:
1 – Create or Open the project which comes with this package.
2 – With the project opened and ready (all textures compiled) open FoBHelicopter > Blueprints > Helicopters > BP_Master_Helicopter, and check if all inputs are connected.
3 – Select 1 of the 7 examples available or select the other 3 with different game modes (navigate among game types by pressing 1, 2, 3, 4).
4 – Migrate the selected helicopter to your working project.
5 – After migrated, go into your project and make the step 2 again since the wires might be disconnected due to different input names.

Technical Details
Replicated out of the box, server autorithy and owning player simulation to avoid perception lag.
Body and Cockpit Meshes are separated for a more detailed (high poly) and immersive experience when in first person.
Propeller Mesh are a separated mesh as well, can be used with Blades or Motion Blue Texture (both type implemented out of the box).
Five pre-configured cameras: Cockpit, First Person without meshes, Top, Back and focus-stationary.
Missiles and Machine Gun working out of the box.
Run time configuration (set Debug Type > Velocity).
Communication with your Game Mode is done through Interfaces.
Individual Cue for each sound effect.
Small details like dust in the ground, alarms for low health, etc.
Collision detection with damage suggestion based on speed.
22 ‘Pure Functions’ to query the helicopter state at easy.


Download Links:

Asset Version (UE4)

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