Ultra Camera (4.26+)

Ultra Camera (4.26+)

Ultra Camera Mode is a turnkey solution that will be useful for game developers or construction companies.
The asset is perfect for you if you want to make a game, a demonstration of construction sites, locations and residential areas, premises or even an entire city!
We’ve just combined all possible camera modes in one asset! Now you can control the character from the first and third person. Drive a car, fly freely over the location, inspect the interiors and exteriors of buildings, build a virtual tour with 360-degree panoramas.
It is also easy to place markers or icons with names over the rooftops of buildings.
A little about camera modes:
1. First Person Camera – Controlling the character from the first person.
2. Third Person Camera – Controlling the character from a third person.
3. Car Camera – Control cars like in any games.
4. Free Fly – Unique mode! Allows you to smoothly fly around the location, while you can adjust the flight speed with the mouse wheel. It will be useful if you need to record a demo video with flights over the city or indoors.
5. Rotation Around At Target – Inspection of objects from all sides, rotating around them.
6. Target Tracking – A useful mode if you want to watch a moving object by switching between tracking points. (such as an airplane, or a car)
7. 360 Angles Camera – This mode is for viewing rooms or photo-video panoramas in 360 degrees.
8. RTS – Many of you have probably played strategy games. We have completely repeated the control of the camera in RTS mode.
We made the Asset as simple as possible to customize modes and use in the game.

Technical Details
We also added several of our models to the asset:
Cafe-1: poly – 798, Texture – 4K.
Cafe-2: poly – 1495, Texture – 8K.
Fuel_station: poly – 8764, Texture – 8K.
Parking: poly – 456, Texture – 4K.
International Space Station: poly – 21136, Texture – Albedo 2K, Normal 1k.
Road: poly – 1904, Textures – 512-1K.
Panoramas 360: 2pcs -8K.

Original_Link: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/ultra-camera

Download Links:

Asset Version (4.26+)

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