Industrial Lights and Switches Blueprints Set 2.0 (4.10+)


30+ fully functional blueprints, switches, lights, doors, pipes, physics objects etc

2.0 Release
Fully functional industrial set with 30+ fully working blueprints with sounds and particle effects.
All lights can change color, toggled on and off, brightness directly from blueprint or be destroyed in game, fully optimized.
Functional switches, with working buttons or levers, with custom message.
Functional doors that can be locked or unlocked, unlocked with access card and keycard reader.
Set of industrial pipes, with working valve and gauge.

Physics objects :
Cardboard with physics, Source engine style
Propane tank shoot it 🙂 its unpredictable
All packed and optimized in one nice set.

Technical Details
List of Features:
30+ fully functional blueprints, switches, lights, doors, pipes, cardbox, propane tank
Input: Mouse & Keyboard
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: No


Download Links:

Asset Version (4.10+)

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