Physics Based Helicopter (4.25+)

Physics Based Helicopter (4.25+)

Driveable Physics constraint based helicopter (not Rigged) With autopilot, wind & AI

Technical Details
Complete helicopter 3D model 70k polygons 4 lods (lod 3= 7k vertices) 4096×4096 Textures (diffuse normal, glossiness, opacity)
All helicopter parts separated in single static meshes with re-centered pivot and custom collision (4 lods for big parts, and 2 lods for the rotors)
Dynamic material instance to change helicopter exteriors and interiors color, add camouflage pattern
Wind BP to simulate wind zones, drag and drop inside the map
All logic is based on timers (not on event tick)
Basic autopilot: Keep position, Keep Yaw, Keep horizontal Speed, Keep Vertical Speed, Avoidance
Helicopter is a Pawn Class so can be possessed by anyone
Auto rotation system when engines are off like in real helicopters
Movement is based on UE Physics and physical constraints are used for the animation and for collisions with objects.
Ground Hover FX, Destruction effect
Clean and commented Blueprints
Demo level with sample auto material
Pilot Animation Blueprint (on Epic skeleton)
The Helicopter BP can be used as master Blueprint to make any other Helicopter just changing the static meshes or adding a features inside a child Blueprint you can quickly create.
Number of Blueprints: 3
Input: Gamepad, Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Windows 64 bits
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows 64 bits


Download Links:

Asset Version (4.25+)

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