Roads n Streets (4.27+)

Roads n Streets (4.27+)

3 Modular Substance Materials, set up for Tessellation, for use with the Landscape Spline Tool. 1 basic subdivided spline mesh part included that you can use with the materials for the Landscape Spine Tool, or make your own. And 9 static mesh street parts

What is a Substance Material?:
A substance material is a procedural texture generator, created using the tool Substance Designer. What that means for this is a substance material pack that I have created that generates different asphalt road types and different cobblestone road types for you to use in your projects.

While the pack comes with 11 preset materials for you to use, you can change the look of each of those textures at any time by opening up their substance instance controls found inside the textures folder.

Because this is a texture generator, you can set the resolution of the generated textures to any res you want all the way from tiny 32X32 up to 4K.

Technical Details
Requires Substance Plugin in order to function
1. Create a blank project (should work with your current project to but starting with a blank project makes sure nothing else is causing problems with it), enable the substance plugin and restart.
2. On restart, go to Edit > Project settings, scroll down to and click on Substance under plugins section.
3. In the substance plugin settings, under the “cooking” tab, switch it from cpu engine to gpu engine.
4. Now exit out of the empty project and install the Substance Material Pack to the empty project, and reopen the project
5. Click on the example map to load up and you should see it compiling the shaders and then everything should be there.
10 preset material instances to get you started and to show what you can create with this substance material pack.
1 basic subdivided spline mesh part, with generated LODs included that you can use with the materials for the Landscape Spine Tool, or make your own.
9 static mesh street parts, with generated LODs for if you don’t want to use the spline tool.
Source files folder that includes all of the substance designer files used for the creation of this asset pack.
Texture Resolutions:
Textures are set at 2k resolution.
Number of Materials: 3 master materials 14 material instances
Do Materials derive from a Master Material with instances as variation: (Yes)
Number of Textures: 80
10 static meshes.


Download Links:

Asset Version (4.27+)

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