Restroom (4.15+)

Restroom (4.15+)

1-toilet, 2-partitions, 1-toilet brush, 1-toilet paper, 2-urinals, 2- urinal screens, 2-towel dispensers, 2-soap dispensers, 2-sinks, 2- sink tops, 2-hand driers, 2-trash cans, 1-door (single and double).
All models are textured, have 1 material per model, some have the ability to change the color of its parts

Note: Toilet room is not modular. It is used as a showroom to display ways you can use the restroom props.

Technical Details
Medium-poly models
HQ PBR textures
One material per object
Physically-Based Rendering: Yes
Texture Sizes: 512-2048
Collision: Automatically generated
Number of Meshes: 38
Number of Materials: 32
Number of Textures: 124
Supported Development Platforms: Windows (should work on other platforms, but untested)


Download Links:

Asset Version (4.15+)

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