RaindropEffect-HDRP (v1.1.0)

RaindropEffect-HDRP (v1.1.0)

Raindrop can fall down and leaving a small trail. Raindrops that are close to each other can get merged. Raindrops have refraction effect. It can simulate glass foggy. Raindrops and fog can also be wiped off dynamically.

Technical details

  • Full-screen raindrop effect Integrated with HDRP Post Process;
  • Raindrop effect on surface of windshield glass object;
  • Raindrops and fog can be wiped off dynamically; Support multiple wipers;
  • Physics based simulation: Raindrop can fall down and leaving a small trail. Raindrops that are close to each other can get merged. Raindrops also have refraction effect;
  • Compatible with Forward and Deferred rendering path;
  • High performance with GPU acceleration: Time cost: 1~2ms, tested with hardware: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700; GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 5GB;
  • Very easy to setup;


* Tested in Unity 2020.3.38, and Unity 2021.3.6;

* This package is only compatible with HDRP!

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/vfx/shaders/fullscreen-camera-effects/raindropeffect-hdrp-235118

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Asset Version (v1.1.0)

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