Kai Locomotion System (4.27, 5.0, 5.1, 5.3)

Kai Locomotion System (4.27, 5.0, 5.1, 5.3)

Animation Blueprint To Use With Different Animation packs (Distance , Rotation Matching)

  • New Version V3 Release includes :
  1. Custom Character Movement Component that offers predictively replicated Custom Movement speed and has custom rotation implementation that uses rotation from certain KLS animations. this CMC will be used later to build new movement modes (physics based sliding and Zelda climbing are in the work).
  2. Utilizing Linked Animation Layers To switch between locomotion and masking.

A Plug And Play Animation Blueprint That Supports 3 Gaits and different types of transitions.

Version 3 utilized linked animation layers for switching locomotion and masking (Layering) sets.

  1. Fill Data Asset with the animations, and get high quality locomotion without effecting the movement of the player in few minutes.
  2. Apply Masks to locomotion sets very easily by defining Mask poses and Body Part Mask weights in Data Asset to allow for very fast iteration to get the right blends for your poses.
  3. Switch Between Locomotion and Masking sets using linked animation layers like Lyra.
  • New Version V3.5 Release includes :
  1. Usage of Template Animation blueprint. you no longer need to make copies of animation blueprints, you can create a child from any skeleton you want. This greatly simplifies the animation system.

*4 Directional Loops, 4 Directional Starts , 4 Directional Stops are the required minimum transitions.

*Requires Control Rig Plugin To Be Activated

Technical Details


  •  Plug and Play Animation Blueprint
  • Written in c++
  •  Foot Lock Transition Control Rig
  • Animation Modifiers to automatically place foot sync markers
  • Skeleton Agnostic Layered Blend Bone Animation Node that uses new Blend Profiles.
  • New Per Body Part Mask animation node encapsulates masking in 1 animation node . Can Add multiple body part and use animation curves or variable inputs to drive the weights. Uses Blend Profiles to define body parts.
  • Template Animation Blueprint , Skeleton Agnostic and can create a child from any skeleton .

Code Modules:

  •  Kai_Locomotion [Runtime]
  • KaiLocomotionEditior [Editor]

Number of Blueprints: 13

Number of C++ Classes: 11

Network Replicated: (Yes)

Supported Development Platforms: (Windows)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (Windows)

Original_Link: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/kai-locomotion-system

Download Links:

Asset Version v3.5.0 (5.3)

Asset Version v3.0.0 (5.1)

Asset Version v2.1.1 (5.0)

Asset Version v1.0 (4.27)

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