How does it work ?
You can create a 3D font asset from any TTF file. you can then use the built in animation system and animation presets to animate the font. There are virtually endless ways to combine the animations and create new ones
What is included ?
● A curation of materials that you can use
● 20 base animation presets.
● 3 animation sequences that can be combined in creative ways:
–Wave Squence – Operates on each letter within a time span
–Typing Squence – Types in new letters into the text element
–Randomizer Sequnce – Animates letters randomly
● 5 text element examples – Gold , Metal, Sci-fi ,Blood ,Candy. You can see them in the screen shots and demo
● 6 ready made text animation prefab – you can see them in the online demo
● 5 tutorials – 3D game menu, Interactive text, Changing text, Text input and Text formatting
Main Features:
● Create 3d fonts from TTF files. Supports texture mapping and different materials for the sides and font
● A 3D Text element that can be customized with your own material and prefabs. Line spacing and letter spacing can be modified. Vertical and horizontal text alignment.
● A simple animation system that can be configured from the inspector without any scripting.There are endless possibilities that can be created by combining the base animations with different sequences. Base animations can be created easily using AnimationCurves , no need for animators or other complex animation systems.
● Utility methods for animating text changes from script. You can use them to script your own animation sequences with ease.
● Text input from keyboard
● Dynamically match a box collider to the text, this allows you to handle mouse/touch events easily
● Internal object pooling.
● All left to right languages are supported.
● Can be used with HDRP and LWRP by converting the materials or using your own