2D Soft Body (v2.0)


2D Soft Body – is an asset to provide jelly physics into the Unity environment.

Unity 2017.4 and newer is supported.


🌟 User-friendly editor

Setup a few parameters and enjoy the beautiful jelly-physics effect

🚀 High performance, mobile-friendly

Works perfectly on mobile devices

🔧 Easy to configure

Configure parameters for simulating soft bodies in a few clicks

💎 Supports any shape

Works with irregular shapes, so you can create any soft body

🎮 Works on all platforms

🛠 Works with any render pipeline

Standard, Universal Render Pipeline (URP) and High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) are supported

📠 Long Term Support

Be sure that you’ll get support for new unity versions and features

📖 Full C# source code, example scene, and documentation included

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/physics/2d-soft-body-182142

Download Links:

Asset Version (v2.0)

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